We're Hiring!
We're looking to hire part-time help with our growing business! As these positions will be some of our first few hires, all terms are negotiable; from hours to Job Description. We would like to hire either Nutrition & Dietetic students or Dietetic Interns for these positions to give them some experience working with RD's in private practice.
You propose it, we'll review it & counter if necessary. Then we'll go from there!
Current Positions Available:
1) Social Media Manager
We're looking for someone with experience managing social media profiles (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc). Previous experience with managing Ad Campaigns is a huge bonus.
2) Content Creator/Blog Writer
We need someone to create the content that our Social Media Manager will place and manage. If this person has blog writing experience, that's a huge plus for this role.
To apply, fill out the form below and we'll review it and get back to you as soon as possible.